Canary: I wonder how much of our history has been covered up by willful ignorance? Maybe it's just easier to "believe" something than really research the facts. Or maybe we know what the facts are and we don't want to deal with them.
Ms. Bradberry: It doesn't matter to me. I know what I believe in my heart is true, and I have total peace.
Canary: Maybe it's just easier to follow your culture and believe the "status quo, politically correct" stuff, even if it can't be proven and makes no sense. And even if what you believe becomes the means to your world's end.
Ms. Bradberry: But don't you fret. God is in charge of the macro and everything is in His plan. We are just to tend to the micro. Same with evolution — there is only such thing as micro evolution, which God created to allow species to better adapt to their environment. But everything was ultimately created by God.
Canary: I'm not questioning you Ms. Bradberry. All I'm asking for is proof. If you're so right and so sure, why's that such a big problem? It's nice to have the feeling and say, "I believe, there is a big hand micro-managing everything that happens to me, and I'm going to live in a gold mansion when I die, so I'm covered." But what if people just use their belief as a security blanket. This is a problem because rather than address serious problems facing our world, they cuddle up with their blanket and suck their thumb.
Ms. Bradberry: You just have to have more faith. You have to get into the Word. You are talking like a reprobate, backslider, and scoffer. The more you get into the Word, the more you will see.
Canary: But what if all of this is designed to perpetuate an organization and belief system, rather than reveal factual truth. Why does God want his children to have blind faith? Those who saw supernatural events in the Bible had no need for faith. And what right does the Apostle Paul have to discuss faith if he had a supernatural experience? Maybe faith is a substitute for institutionalized ignorance. In fact, lately I've been thinking that that is all religion is: an excuse to be ignorant. Why can't we have the courage to simply say, "We don't know!" rather than presenting stories as fact and chastising and threatening those who disagree with our version?
Ms. Bradberry: Don't you believe in God, Canary?
Canary: Of course I do. I believe their is a supernatural element in the Universe. What I'm still trying to figure out is what parts of religion are human-made. I have a feeling that most of our religions simply evolved from earlier cultures and earlier thought processes. I have a hunch that religions evolve in thought, borrow ideas from one another, and continually reinvent themselves. But with the Big Three religions, the clock seemed to stop. People suddenly were able to put their religions down into detailed writings, and suddenly the evolving ended. The religion stopped adapting to the increasing knowledge of humankind, and we humans started evolving around the religion. This is a problem because our religious society is locked into a mindset that is 1,500 to 7,000 years old.
Ms. Bradberry: You're messed up, Canary.
Canary: Yeah, I know. I just see the conservative religions as a big roadblock to my ultimate goal — indefinite sustainability and perpetuation for the human species. I'm not sure I know even why I want this goal. I think it's because I know we are the one species capable of making it in the long haul, but we are in a precarious time right now in our development, and if we screw up big, it's all over. More realistically, if we have a nuke out or ruin the Planet environmentally, at least a few people will survive to start over again. They will have a head start on our society, but humans may have to go through this cycle several times before they finally "get it." We'll just have to wait and see. Right now fuel prices keep going up and the poor are hurting the worse. Our federal government has zero vision beyond lining the pockets of donors so that crooked politicians can get reelected. So, really, it's up to us to organize on the local and maybe state levels to save ourselves.
Ms. Bradberry: You shouldn't fret over this. God will come soon to take his children away, and then this Earth is going to burn, eventually. Stop trying to interfere with the plans of the Almighty.
Canary: Right, Ms. Bradberry. My apologies.
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