John G. Roberts Jr., the guardian of
The Fun Begins
President Bush made his nomination for the Supreme Court last night and now the fun begins. Both political sides will begin their intense lobbying and arguing, and the Senate will have their chance to grill him.
At first glance, it appears that Judge Roberts is a good friend of Big Business. Unrestrained capitalism is like a cancer consuming and destroying everything in its path, and there will be Justice Roberts serving as a guardian for the very machine that's annihilating us.
Yes, it's true, capitalism is like cancer. To survive, we will need to either keep it on a tight leash, socialize it, or destroy it. But people like Roberts will fight to preserve it, and he will likely say that the boardroom is no place for government (although the bedroom apparently is).
From a Sierra Club statement released today:
“Upon initial review, we are particularly concerned about his decisions in the following cases: his opinion in Rancho Viejo LLC v. Norton, 343 F.3d 1158 (D.C. Cir. 2003) where he strongly implied that Congress does not have the Constitutional authority to protect certain species under the Endangered Species Act, and Sierra Club v. EPA, 353 F.3d 976 (D.C. Cir. 2004), where he upheld a decision by the Bush administration to ignore the public health impacts of toxic pollution from copper smelters.”
So, maybe the corporatization of America is continuing. Those with the money and power control the Executive and Legislative branches, and now they are going after the Judicial branch. It seems that the Capitalist Machine we've unleashed years ago just keeps growing stronger, and will soon own everything. They already control and influence the media, they can strongly influence universities, and with their dollars they can even manipulate environmental organizations. Who can stand in the way of these great locusts as they continue leading us to our ultimate end?
Abortion Will Surely Come Up
No doubt "abortion" will come up during Roberts' confirmation hearings. Now my good friends on the Right seem to strongly support the "sanctity of life" by vigorously opposing abortion, stem cell research, and euthanasia. However, it's odd how they ignore far greater threats to life like global warming, pollution, and the poisoning of our environment. But that's okay, because those things are done by companies, and Corporate America should never be touched or challenged!
I, too, find abortions troubling but I disagree with my Right Wing friends on how to address the problem. The difference is that I would like to see abortions eliminated through education and access to family planning resources, while righteous conservatives would like to legislate it. Thus, they want a person like Roberts who will hopefully say, "The courts have no business ruling on abortion, so go ahead and ban it with your state laws!"
This raises many questions that my Righest friends have yet to answer, like who is going to take care of all these unwanted children? And what if these unwanted children grow up to be criminals and even murderers? Plus, with America's population already skyrocketing, what is gained by forcing women to have children they don't want? Couldn't we just focus on prevention?
At this point it is too early to have an opinion on Roberts. But suffice to say, the Right wants a good holy man that will leave Business alone, and will instead go after desperate young pregnant girls, gays, labor, environmentalists, and all those other villians who stand in the way of their hypocritical morality and lust for profits.
God bless America!
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