"The things that will destroy us are: Politics without principle; Pleasure without conscience; Wealth without work; Knowledge without character; Business without morality; Science without humanity, And worship without sacrifice."
— Mahatma Gandhi, Indian spiritual/political leader.
How Do I Feel?
Right now I feel a lot of worry about my two daughters — what kind of future will they face? Is it fair for our generation to totally screw everything up and then bring children into the world?
I am also eaten up with guilt because there is so much to do and I never have time enough to do it all. Saving the world is really hard work because society is so resistant to change. Whenever someone comes up with an idea that's really innovative, it seems like it is argued into the ground, and if a government entity actually tries to implement the innovative idea, then the lawsuits start. All this has a chilling effect — it keeps government bodies from trying to introduce anything that's very revolutionary.
It seems like with jobs, families, and tons of driving, our minds are all turned into numbness. Over the years I have personally met dozens of people who WANT to help the Cause, but their work, health problems, and children's activities all keep them tied down. In fact, as I think of my friends in the environmental movement, many of the super activists don't have jobs and/or families, which frees up more time.
Earlier this week I met a wonderful new environmental volunteer. She wants to help, but she is a single mom and has a child in the band, so most of her time is committed. I strongly commend her for putting her son first — that's always how it should be.
Yet, while most of our energy and time is sucked away, our opponents are able to hire full-time staff and handsomely paid consultants to ram through their polluting or greenspace-destroying agendas. They have it all, and all we have is a small citizen's group of overworked, overburdened, and stressed out volunteers. Yet, we have the things that my hero Gandhi points out above. We have: principle, conscience, character, morality, a sense of humanity, and sacrifice. These are attributes that our avarice corporate opponents, with their slick alligator shoes, alligator briefcases, and alligator underwear, WILL NEVER HAVE!

Daah, of course my company
will pollute the air and foul the
water, but the important thing
is that we'll be bringing in four more
minimum wage jobs to your community.
The following is my number one favorite quote. I do see examples of this all the time, and it gives me hope:
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
— Margaret Mead
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