Remember, Karl Rove is God. He
engineered that whole value thing to
pull Christian conservatives into the polls.
Now he's trying to win over conservative
blacks and hispanics so that he can
finish off those damn Democrats.
And So It Is....
I am thee little rebel and I feel like I'm on to this whole grand Karl Rove conspiracy. In other countries the security forces would just blow me away in bed, but in the Western nations that's not fashionable, so I am just ignored, isolated, marginalized, and dubbed anti-patriotic. If I oppose the war, the Robot People will scold me for demoralizing the troops. This week, no doubt, it was Karl Rove who came up with the idea of higher death pay for the families of those lost in combat. Good plan. Let's perk up their morale and show them how nice their government is. In reality, it is a cheap publicity stunt and no doubt, there are plans to send our boys and girls into more offensive wars. On to Syria, on to Iran! Let us put on the jackboots, shine them up, and enjoy our conquests and glory! All in the name of oil ... no, DEMOCRACY!
Growing Up....
Just recently I've decided that I really don't like pledging to the U.S. flag. This is a shock to even me, but I am a free individual and shouldn't have to pledge my loyalty to a rogue state. Don't get me wrong, loyalty should be a given, as long as that loyalty is deserved, so I see no need to pledge.
But there is a Need for Loyalty...
I do love my country and the wonderful idealism behind it. I do love the constitution and the structure of our government. We have a good system and it works as long as people believe in it and support it. IT FAILS WHEN PEOPLE MANIPULATE AND ABUSE our system to pursue their own agendas. And we are seeing a lot of that now. There is one group of political leaders who want the United States to be the preeminent power of the world, both economically and militarily. There is another group of politicians who want to restore the "morals" of the 1950s — yeah, the years when African-Americans had to pee in separate bathrooms and used different water fountains. Yeah, that was so moral.
None of us, really, should be pushing our own agenda unless that agenda is to promote selflessness, harmony, community, and the greater good. It should not be about ME and what I believe in or what I think. Rather, it should be "how can me make things better for EVERYONE!"
I will no longer pledge my allegiance to an illusion created by a handful of propagandists in Washington. Yes, I'm loyal to my country, but my loyalty to the Planet is far greater. I consider myself an Earthian, not an American, or a Eurpoean-American, or whatever. Even more importantly, I pledge my loyalty to my 6.3 billion brothers and sisters that I share the Planet with. I give my loyalty to my friends, my neighbors, my family, and to millions of strangers I don't even know. I do NOT give my loyalty to a myriad of abstract laws, traditions, and beliefs that are only designed to protect the status quo.
Now you're probably wondering, "Why aren't you giving your loyalty to God?" Well, I would like to, but if we give our loyalty to our concept of what God is, then the next thing you know, there are people committing acts of violence in the name of their God. God will be made happy by killing the infidels, gays, drug addicts, and those bad people who open their stores on Sundays. Nope, this is a slippery slope. If we can all agree that loyalty to God doesn't mean hate and violence, then I will give it.
At age 20 I was incredibly idealistic and naive. I actually thought people would take seriously that part in the Bible that reads, "Love one another."
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