Whatever happened to peace and brotherhood? Too much
time is wasted screaming about evil gay marriage and end-time prophesy.
So, well...
Since beginning this blog in May 2004, I have followed my theme of nonviolence and environmental stewardship in nearly every post, with the exception of my first and third entries.
Ultimately, the goal of this blog and website is to promote long-term sustainability for both the human race and the Planet. I have devoted tons of writing to the roadblock that the conservative religions create in achieving my two life goals — world peace and healing the environment. I have also talked about how political groups with self-serving agendas and greedy corporations also play a roll in keeping all of us in our current, self-destructive quandary.
I believe ...
To sum up the many things I've discussed in the past nine months, I'd like to reemphasize a few points:
The Roadmap To Sustainability
• All humans must be treated equally, regardless of race, religion, etc..
• Women must be treated 100% equal to men. Women must be given opportunities and encouragement to rise in government and business.
• Gays must be treated with complete equality. Gays must have the right to marriage (you can call them "civil unions" if it makes you feel better).
• There must be universal free trade. However, trade rules should be PEOPLE and COMMUNITY based, and NOT written for large corporations.
• There should be complete free movement of peoples. I guess that lets you know how I feel about immigration. And even though it kills me to see the massive growth in my community and state, I believe we must always force ourselves to take a global approach to the extremely serious problem of human overpopulation.
• There should be universal access to contraceptives and family planning.
• Every human should be entitled to at least one warm meal a day — not necessarily through charity (which would create dependency), but rather through empowerment, education, and opportunity. If you're slobbering over a big lobster while some child in a faraway place is starving to death, then something is damn wrong. The chain of humanity has been broken.
• Democracy is a good thing and must be universal. But people must believe in it and support it, especially by putting the needs of the community ahead of personal interests. Oh, and a message to Karl and the spin doctors in Washington — you can't force democracy at gunpoint. Rather, it is a beautiful ideal that must come from the heart.
• Everyone must take personal responsibility for the world that sustains them. Decisions should be based on the needs of our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren — not our immediate gratification.
Well, this is just a start. I'm sure I've missed a few things. But the point is we are now living in an increasingly crowded and polluted world. If we continue our current course we will certainly destroy ourselves AND our Planet. Okay, I apologize for sounding negative. But this is a blog of hope — if we change our ways, and throw a ton of old baggage out the window, we can reinvent our society, culture, and thinking, and we can create a world that will be BETTER for our kids.
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!
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