Here me is, just getting older and feeling that
all of us are in the final scene of great play.
Well, SO MANY things ...
...Have been floating around in my belgueared mind that I don't know where to begin. My, those organic organs inside our skulls are such complex mechanisms. So why were we given this incredible organ? So we can learn to throw litter out the window? So we can burn incense to the gods? Who really knows.
So WHAT am I thinking about?
I just can't get out of my head the incredible hypocrisy of the so-called Moral Majority. It troubles me greatly every day. If they weren't helping to destroy the environment and dragging us into wars, I wouldn't pay much attention to them. But they seem to hold the keys to the vault and they ain't handling it very well.
First off, I have stretched my mind, thought outside the box, and I cannot comprehend how ANYONE could vote for the current crooks, egotists, and opportunists who control the Republican Party. If you didn't like the Democratic candidates, you could have at least voted for Libertarians, or Ralph Nader, or you could have even done a write-in vote for Alfred E. Neuman. But why George W. Bush and his gang of crooked politicos in Congress? Why, why, WHY??
Let us review..
Let us look at what the Moral "Family Values" politicians have been up to lately:
• Federal debt increased by $413 billion, and the trade deficit is up to $620 billion.
• Republicans change their own rules to keep Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) in his post, EVEN if he is indicted for corruption.
• Much of our federal debt this year is courtesy of the $137 billion tax cut that Congress gave to businesses. Make a contribution to a Congressperson and you will be repaid generously.
• Even though the U.S. government is straddled with debt and deficit spending, Congress passes a spending bill that's full of pork. Hurray! Lobbyists received an early Christmas present from the God-fearing Republicans.
As mentioned before, I am a progressive Republican at heart, but the maggots who have infested the Grand Ol' Party are as corrupt as any Third World dictatorship. They scream, "God, pro-life, sanctity of marriage," and then we go jumping off to the polling places like bunny rabbits to give them our vote and our unquestioning allegiance.
More from the front...
A fellow Canary on the other side of town noticed an interesting sign recently. She investigated a little and here is what she found:
The week before the election I noticed a huge sign along the road about a lecture on the war, which read: "Come to this lecture, find out the truth about the war before voting." I thought maybe it was some cool anti-war people and got the name and phone number of a gentleman. I called him and politely asked him what the talk would be about. What I got from him is that he, (a VERY right wing evangelical) believes that the war in Iraq is God-ordained and is tied up in their belief that Israel is sacred to God above all else. They believe George Bush was "sent by God" to attack Iraq and this war will bring "final judgement," whatever that means to them.
Right, this explains everything. Okay, everyone - go sell your house!
Bob Barr Says Something Good...
Bob Barr, the the former conservative Congressman who led the impeachment effort against President Clinton has been behaving better lately. As my Congressperson, he and I were at odds because of his poor voting record on the environment and family planning. However, after leaving Congress he joined the liberal-leaning ACLU, where he has been working on privacy issues. He has been fairly cool in opposing the proposed gay marriage ban in the constitution. Today he was on the radio in a panel discussion with Neal Bortz. When a question came up about how gay marriage threatened the family, he said something to the effect:
The real threat to the family is not homosexuals. Rather, it's parents not spending enough time with their kids and their addiction to consumption and materialism (paraphrased).
Well, said Bob!
Sources: Tom Blackburn, columnist for the Palm Beach Post, Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
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