My gosh, what is it? I dunno,
I think it's The One Right Way.
I just spoke with Paula who posted the ad about starting an intentional community. She is a self-described aging hippie, and she and her husband just inherited a fifty acre forest in Chilton Co. AL. That is where they would like to rehabilitate a run-down farm and start a ecovilliage with anyone who wants into it. ... They have not had much response
to the ad, but are still enthusiastic about the project.
Okay, I'm going to escape this crazy, dysfunctional, soulless society that I live in. I'm moving to Alabama to live in a self-sustaining community. I'm going to sell my house here in the Atlanta suburbs and build a little hut in Chilton Co., AL. I'll work on the farm and perhaps develop websites on the side for a little extra cash. I'm goin' baby — I'm escaping it all, especially my mother who tries to control me with her endless religious guilt trips. I'm gonna be free! Oh, but there's one problem. I have no idea where Chilton County is. Oh well.
But if I escape this World, then it is harder to save it. It is better that I take a stand, right here in Powder Springs, GA, and try to make a difference. The odds are against me, but if I can just help a few folks here and there, or if I can help to change just a few attitudes, then maybe it will be worthwhile.
Look at the bizarre situation our nation is in. We spend BILLIONS on health care. At the same time, the diseases caused by our affluence and by the thousands of chemicals we've released into the environment are keeping us sick. So, we spend BILLIONS to get better, and the money goes into the pockets of the massively wealthy medical industry. Then, we decide we want to live longer, so we give the medical establishment more BILLIONS. And in the meantime, the Baby Boomers are retiring by the millions and it's up to the American workers to support them, but we can't because our manufacturing base has moved to Mexico and China.
And what are Americans doing? My GOD, they are watching a Gilligan's Island remake on reality TV while the value of the U.S. dollar sinks, the trade deficit climbs, and the federal debt deepens. The will to resist and the desire to care has been beaten from our souls.
Our nation is ruled by a small but powerful clique who has learned how "to play the game" and they depend on the ignorance and apathy of Americans. They keep the masses in a drawer until they need their vote again. Then they pull out the little bobble-headed Americans and scream, "Guns, gays, abortion" and send them to the polls to re-elect the "righteous" politicians.
Our nation is so corrupt and spiritually crushed that the few who do resist are labeled "whackos" and promptly ignored. We have become a spiritless and cowardly mass. We go to our country club churches to pass out business cards and then we go to Hooters to eat onion rings, and we scream, "We need more values in this land." But our words are as hollow as our souls.
Perhaps one day soon I will give up on this crazy World or maybe I won't. At this point, I still have hope, at least a little.
Yellow Canary
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