Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pondering Humanity

As I grow older, human society seems crazier and crazier to me. I'm wondering if I'm changing, or becoming more aware, or if people are just becoming more dysfunctional.

The biggest and saddest comedy act is the U.S. Congress. I like the idea of democracy, but our elected officials have shown us that it's all a facade, a big joke, and an idealist's pipe dream. Has our government always been so broken and corrupt? I know that in the old days people like Teddy Roosevelt actually fought the greedy political bosses, but now everyone's in the same bed.

Then there is the total brain-screwing on climate change. The Big Oil-funded think tanks have done a splendid job of confusing the public and throwing doubt in people's minds. In reality (whatever THAT is these days) the evidence that humans are warming the Planet is overwhelming. But every time there is a cold snap people start screaming, "Global warming is a hoax."

Food Supply

I have this theory that our weakening food supply is what is melting down the brains of our elected leaders and the general public. Instead of eating nuts, veggies, fruits, and wild meat like our ancestors, people today are stuffing Little Debbie's in their mouths. We are becoming a nation of giant people who spend countless hours watching reality TV and reading gossip tabloids. Our brains are weakening, and our test scores are falling. At least the Romans could blame it on incest and lead in their pipes, but for Americans we have nothing to blame except for our laziness and lack of discipline. As the nutritional quality of our food weakens, so do we. And so does our will.

Gay Marriage

The Christian fundamentalist surge seems to be weakening, foaming, and receding back into the sea. Gay marriage laws are being passed around the country. I am delighted. It shows that all the pew hoppers aren't jumping much any more. I thank Westboro Baptist Church, the Rev. Harold Camp, the Rev. Terry Jones, and all the other nuts for showing us what religion really is — just absolutely nuts. Of course, if you're nuts and rich, you can be a Scientologist, which will increase your "cool factor" in Hollywood.


The other thing that's nuts is our throwaway society. We absolutely can't be throwing all the trash and plastic in the landfills indefinitely. It's a simply unsustainable practice. If all that plastic you throw away takes 500 years to deteriorate, people 500 years from now are going to hate you. There is going to be plastic buried everywhere by then. And as that stuff does slowly rot away, do you think it just disappears? Nope. It turns into methane gas and rises into the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming. Every plastic cup you toss makes the Planet a little warmer, and a little nastier. At least recycle the damn thing.

I'm totally tired. I've been blogging now for nine years, almost to the day. I've written about 380 some entries. Think of them as my gift to future generations and my contribution to society. One day people will read my posts and say, "Wow, the Green Goose really had his head screwed on nicely." But, then again, maybe not. I'm convinced that no one really cares about anything, except maybe their little pet causes. Where's the love, baby?

Photo credit: seanmcgrath / / CC BY

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