As another record hot summer ends I've decided to, well, to no longer be pissed at climate change deniers.
See, a lot of climate change deniers are the same Christian fundamentalists who believe the Earth is 6,000 years old. They calculate this figure based on a series of scripture in the Old Testament.
Now, this figure is totally insane to me. At 6,000 years, the Earth wasn't even a ball of gas yet, it was just a cloud.
But if someone is going to believe the Earth is 6,000 years old I'm not surprised at all that they'd easily ignore 1,000 scientists and say that global warming is a hoax.
And this is the greatest danger of religion — it makes people downright delusional.
When Christians, Mormons, or Jehovah's Witnesses try to save my decrepit and condemned soul, I will no longer argue with them. And when some Scientologist tells me about little freaking aliens, I'm not going to care. I've realized that millions of people are totally brain fried, and cannot discern reality from ancient campfire stories.
What's really bad is a lot of stuff in the Bible was MEANT to be allegorical, but someone in the recent past decided it all has to be taken LITERAL. After all, if you decide one part of the Bible is an allegory, oh, my gosh, the whole damn thing could be, ahhh, a freakin' fable! So, it's just better to accept it all verbatim. And while were at it, let's agree that the King James translation is the only REAL translation endorsed by God. It makes things easier.
So, as we cook, and as the Polynesians slowly drown, and as we continue to pack the planet with humanity, let's not worry. We humans may be fantastic at making tools and gadgets, but parts of our brains are still primitive. Right now our technology has outrun our rational brain development. Will we mature in time to keep us from nuking ourselves in some religious war? Well, if you study the story of Easter Island, you will see that we are screwed.
And Hey, You.....
Stop gloating, oil companies. Your religious minions have served you well. They have and will continue to sink any global warming legislation. In all their gay bashing and gun toting, and other Christian activities, I wonder if they ever thanked God for putting all the oil in the ground. After all, it made you oil barons filthy, rotten rich. And that's the way our Holy Father wanted it, I'm sure.
1 comment:
something screwy goose about that 6,000 year figure... the earth wasn't a cloud 6,000 years ago?! and have you read kevin philips American Theocracy? you'd enjoy...
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