Sunday, August 08, 2010

Connally Nature Park

This video tells the story of an urban forest we saved in 1999-2000. Yesterday, 10 years later, we went back to the site and did a "commemorative" hike.

You know, when I watch this video, and knowing that I played a part in this, I suddenly don't feel like a shit. I actually feel like a decent person, for a brief moment, like I actually accomplished some good for the world.

I was unable to attend many of the day events because of my work schedule, but I did do a lot of behind-the-scenes organizing. The part I most remember is when I was doing a fax blitz to members of the school board, and a board member called and asked me to "cease fire."

One evening I programmed my computer fax to send faxes in the middle of the night -- I didn't realize that many of the fax machines were in board member's homes. Well, apparently I angered some folks by calling their homes in the middle of the night, but, you know, I really don't care. Perhaps it strengthened their resolve. After all, we were told by one opponent that they'd be sending us a box of toothpicks. But, I am proud of myself for at least doing SOMETHING when so many people in this world do NOTHING. All to often, I am made to feel like crap because I don't fit into someone's religious mold.

But, anyway, even though I was only a minor player in this campaign, I still consider it one of the accomplishments in life that I am most proud of.

Enjoy ...

1 comment:

Frank F. Kling said...

Hold your head high! YOU are making the world a better place and this single accomplishment is far more than most people dream of achieving. Love your blog and your excellent work.