Capitalism assists humans in their locust behavior of consuming all resources of a given region, to produce wealth for the privileged few. Capitalism exploits labor and rapes the environment to create value-added goods at the lowest price possible.
Capitalism needs a larger, and ever-growing consumer base. Capitalism must have population growth because that means cheap labor and more consumers — no wonder capitalism loves immigration!
Capitalism controls government. If you think that government regulates capitalism, all I can say is "HA." Capitalism allows just enough wealth to trickle to the bottom to avoid civil disorder. Why? Because capitalism needs stable markets.
Capitalism controls the media, hires talking heads, and programs the public into believing that free enterprise is good, and that Socialism and Communism are bad. Capitalism programs the general public into booing down Socialism and accepting "the one right way" with open arms.
Capitalism dumbs down the public so that they don't question its virtues. Capitalism makes people just smart enough to serve its corporate empires.
Capitalism turns people into consumers. Capitalism lures people into believing that material goods bring happiness. Capitalism helps to addict people to consumerism.
Capitalism has no morals or rulebook. The system simply does whatever is necessary to make a profit in the next quarter. So, it's not surprising that Capitalism operates in a coalition with Conservative Religion. Capitalist-backed politicians say, "I'm against abortion," and that drives the conservative religious, single-issue voters to the polls, to vote in the Capitalist political puppets.
Capitalism controls government at all levels. Government simply provides the framework and apparatus for capitalism to function best.
Capitalism loves the high profits of war, and capitalism spreads the lies of patriotism. Capitalism build the armaments, but it still needs to convince mothers to kiss their sons goodbye and send them off to horrible deaths on the battlefield. There is huge money in "properly equipping the troops," and tending to their food and housing needs, and, of course, their medial needs.
Socialism and Communism are not good economic systems either. In fact, no economic system is perpetually sustainable. They all eventually fail. Perhaps the only system that works is straight barter — this could be made sophisticated by a computer system. If you perform a service, you earn credits. Those credits can then be spent. Government should get out of the money business. Wouldn't a world without money be wonderful? I'm not sure this system will work, but I KNOW the other three won't.
The Goose