Thursday, January 10, 2008


I remember attending my big church in 1999 shortly after the Columbine massacre. A guest band was performing on stage. The lead singer told us that at the time of the murders they were performing at the National Rifle Association convention in Denver.

The lead singer said that at an NRA prayer breakfast, "They just held each other's hands and prayed for the victims."

Hello, you idiot, CAN'T YOU SEE THE IRONY?

If I had to do it over again I would have stood up and disrupted the service. I would have screamed, "ARE YOU FREAKING NUTS?"

It is the NRA that ensures that guns are easily accessible to any wacko who wants to slaughter people. And they hold prayer breakfasts at their conventions? And they pray for the people that their lobbying efforts help to slaughter???

Let me just say that this is a sick, twisted country -- where a "loving Christ" is so beautifully intertwined with the violence and evil of guns.

It is to the point that when I read about a multiple shooting in the newspaper, I don't even care any more. This is what Americans want! This is what the NRA wants! It is apparently what God wants!

So, let the murders, slaughter, and violence continue as the Sunday worshipers pick the lint off their suits and dresses .... and go to church to learn about the beautiful love of God ... and then come home and clean their weapons. Oh, to feel that smooth, cold, barrel, which can help to fling a slug of lead into a human's flesh at great speed, doing massive damage to human body tissue. Oh, it must be the love of God.


Anonymous said...

Dad you are crazy and grandma would hate to read this. You need to go to church! Hahahaahahaha

Anonymous said...

you need some jesus in your life.