All my life I've seen the beauty in other people. All my life I have seen humans destroy what is good in other humans, both physically and mentally.
All my life I've seen the good destroyed by the bad. What little beauty remains in this world is slowly being destroyed.
So, I know I am supposed to be happy and whistle, and I know I'm suppose to kick a few rocks as I make my way to the fishing hole, with my fishing pole over my shoulder. But I am not.
I've read and studied the story of Easter Island. That story, from what can be pieced together, tells about competing lords and how religion created irrationality — even to the point of self destruction. Nothing has changed today — we are simply seeing a repeat on a grander schedule.
Sometimes I see beauty in the form of a little bug crawling across my desk. I stop what I'm doing and grab a magnifying glass. I watch the little creature continue on its way, and I am amazed by it. What makes this little animal be alive? What is it doing? Where is it going? What is its purpose?
I see sunsets that are so beautiful, which explode into an array of beautiful colors. I hear geese "honk" as they fly overhead. When I hear them I run outside and look up to see their "V" formation high in the sky. I am AMAZED. I am truly amazed at these birds flying over my head. It is in them that I see beauty.
I see beauty in the hearts of young children. They are totally innocent and they are put on Earth under so many difficult situations. Suddenly, they are on this planet and they must learn to survive like the rest of us. Their innocence, pureness, and inquisitive all makes them beautiful.
Yet, the children, the geese, and the little bugs are all under assault by this strangely beautiful yet violent and ever growing species called humans. We deceive ourselves, rationalize away all logic, and then we continue destroying that which is beautiful in a hundred million little ways.
The Goose