Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Just Who Is Evil?

So, matey, a liberal is ya, eh? An environmentalist too? Surely ye will burn for that!

To all the world, I would like to say that I am extremely proud to be called an "environmentalist" and "liberal." Liberal comes from the Latin word that means FREE, as in free-thinker. As we continually see, the vast majority of the GOP are NO THINKERS. Rupert Murdoch keeps these folks pump up on mindless TV entertainment and hand spun news, turning their brains into mush. Our American education system, a servant to industry, also works to keep the population "dumbed down."

These no-thinkers are a giant clone army, and the men behind the curtain know just how to activate them to get them to the polls to elect more GOP opportunists. The formula is simple: Scream "abortion" or "gay marriage" to get the clone masses worked up and to the voting booths. Talk about electing moral, Christian politicians, who are actually the lapdogs of industry. Sen. Saxby Chambliss and Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle are perfect examples of politicians who have exploited this formula. "I AM MORAL" they scream, "ABORTION IS BAD" they shout. Then the mindless masses vote them in, and they, in turn, give the keys of government to the industrialists so that the workers and the environment can be screwed even more.

The puppet masters continually work the fear button to manipulate the masses. First it's the terrorist scare with talk of sleeper cells, then there is the fear-mongering with immigration -- "Run oh ye Right Wingers, for the brown man is going to steal your babies at night" is
their insinuation.

All the while they talk -- and mix -- the love of God and country as they send our young men and women to the killing fields of Iraq, and they secretly perpetuate the war because war is good for the defense industry and international banking cartels.

So call me a LIBERAL and I will feel proud. What a joy it was to run into a group of GOP party members after I had finished protesting against the war rhetoric in 2002. There I was with my sign in hand on the sky bridge at the Cobb Galleria, and there they were -- terrified. For they had never seen a liberal before up close. Their spinmasters had told them that we are evil three-eyed monsters and now, there they were all alone with me. The terror in their eyes was priceless.

Wake up, America, WAKE UP. If you want to see the real enemy, look in the mirror, oh ye Righteous Ones.

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