The lord musta blessed me with it.
What The???
I had a wonderful evening tonight celebrating my daughter's 19th birthday at a favorite restaurant. Some of her friends brought male companions and I was introduced to a guy who is a salesman for Atlanta Hummer.
ATLANTA HUMMER? My GOD, those gas-guzzling vehicles are a symbol of everything that we environmentalists oppose. Hummers make our skin crawl. Hummers represent all the excess, craziness, and everything that is wrong with America. So, was I going to jump over the table and whoop this guy's butt? Were we going to have a cowboy saloon fight right in the middle of the restaurant?
Naw, I figured what the heck. I was just nice and pleasant to the guy, and I even shook his head. I figured he probably didn't want me lecturing him about how the Hummers are making us more dependent on foreign oil and filling up our atmosphere with greenhouse gases. See, the auto industry only knows that bulk means profit, and the dealers have to move bulk. BULK, LOTS OF BULK, and screw air quality, the future of our world, or anything else. Detroit has to move bulk. Who am I to argue with THAT?
Tom DeLay - the new breed of Christian.
Me want to be just like him when I grow up.
A Loving Reminder
A Canary friend sent me the following. It does seem to have a sharp, cynical edge to it, but it makes a good point. All I can say is that when I look at Tom DeLay, who is supposed to be this good, moral Christian, I am totally disgusted. Why aren't the Christians and clergy and religious conservatives demanding his ouster? To the contrary, they place his icon on their holy shelves and they worship him. But I tell ya, Tom DeLay is corrupt, the U.S. Congress is corrupt, and the caustic religious system that supports DeLay and his Republican brood are corrupt. Rep. DeLay played his Terry Schiavo card and pacified his base. So now, all is well in America. Sleep tight.
Teaching of Christ
Love your enemies.
Turn the other cheek.
Feed the poor.
Help the sick.
Do not judge people, just help them, God will judge when the time comes.
Be suspicious of Churches that acquire wealth.
Don't dwell on personal wealth. It would be better to give it all to the
poor (specifically he said the poor, not the church.)
Pay your taxes.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Teachings of American Conservatives
Wars to get more oil are OK.
Wars to stop genocide are not OK.
If the rich get richer everyone benefits.
Big corporations are good for America.
Drug companies need to make a big profit so they can do research even though
government funds the research.
HMO's and Insurance Companies don't need regulation.
The property rights of polluters are more important than the property rights
of those who live down stream or down wind.
Poor people deserve to be poor because they are lazy.
Poor children deserve to be hungry because their parents are lazy.
Lowering taxes is more important than the environment, education or anything
that helps children.
Poisoning the environment is OK if it's profitable. Besides the rich always
live upstream.
It is Ok to regulate what people can do in their bedrooms, but not OK to
regulate guns or corporations.
It is important to make a big public display about loving Jesus, but his
teachings are often a problem. It is better to stick to the Old Testament's
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth while condemning homosexuals and
others different from you. You can still call yourself "Christian" and most
people won't notice the difference.
Canary Sez: Don't call me insane, baby. I ain't insane. If you support Tom Delay and his brand of selective, perverted moralism, than you'ze insane. Honest.
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