I'm glad the two of you are getting along so well. I'm glad that both of you agree on something — that Global Climate Change is just a myth invented by nasty liberals. By denying global warming, you help to keep YOUR myths alive — that it is all part of God's plan, and that addressing the problem will harm the economy, etc...
No, don't recycle, don't take responsibility for the World you have helped to screw up. Don't support environmental protections — instead do what you can to dismantle them. Do whatever it takes to destroy, plunder, rape, and murder what is left of this Planet, so that you can enjoy your short-term comfort and profit.
Don't worry about healing the Earth. Don't worry about taking responsibility for the Planet. What's more important is saving souls and maximizing revenues. God's going to destroy the Earth anyway, so who cares. So, you Industrialists may as well screw it over, while poisoning us and giving us cancer in the meantime. Oh right, then we can give the medical industry billions of dollars to heal us after you have sickened us. Makes perfect sense to me.
Don't ever question a single word of your Bible. Every word is literal. Yes, it's okay to own slaves — the Bible tells you so. It is okay to "have dominion" over the Earth. Doesn't that mean you should screw it as mercilessly as possible, with zero regard for wildlife or our future? Yes, of course it does.
Small wonder that you Industrialists and Conservative Christians are in bed together, snuggled under the blanket of the GOP. You both have EXACTLY the same goals — you just spin them differently.
Please continue to live in your hypocritical little worlds. Please continue to believe your lies and continue to discredit anyone who challenges them.
You've created a nice, comfy little world for yourselves. Why don't you pat yourselves on the back. When the whole thing starts to crumble and implode, you can blame it on the gays and the pro-choice people — just like you always do. And of course, you can blame it all on the Evil Liberals who took prayer out of schools. Sure, that was the turning point. Things were so much better before then, with all the racism and Jim Crow Laws. Hell, at least you guys MAINTAINED ORDER. God bless ya for that.
But in the process of creating your perfect little world, you have screwed me, and you have destroyed the nature that I so dearly love. All in the name of God, Growth, Money, Progress, Development, and all those other twisted values that you perfectly intertwined without thinking twice about it.
See Industrialist and Conservative Christian: You are both exactly the same. Your goals are not really different — both of you grab for my wallet, worship your stories, defend your lies, and destroy my world.
God bless all of you. I am sure God is proud of your good works. I am sure He is pleased with the widows you never cared for, or the hungry you never fed, and for the comfort you always blindly pursue.
Good work, gang.
The Goose
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