So, anyway, being the cynical Goose that I am, I have long said that I only have one goal in life: To get a few good swings in before I die. Well, I don't believe in violence, so what I mean is that I just want to stand up against injustice and challenge The Machine.
I have a special disgust for those people who rape and sell out the environment and our future to make a quick buck. The soul-less people who engage in this practice will naturally hire spin doctors and create phony "think tanks" and "foundations" to justify their crimes. Among the most disgusting of these groups is the road-building industry. These asphalt monkeys want to pave every square inch of Mother America to make a buck, and have no mercy for the environment or the hapless and naive humans who are caught in their trap. They fight to sabotage mass transit alternatives, and instead send their pigeon-toed lobbyist thugs to the legislature to lobby for more black, petroleum-based crap. Yeah, asphalt.
On Wednesday I stood up to the asphalt monkeys by getting a really good Letter to the Editor published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Did it feel good? Heck yeah, it felt great. One little Goose stood up against the system.
As far as I'm concerned, the tobacco pushers and asphalt monkeys can all go to hell. It is the visionaries and stewards of the Earth who will lead us into the future. The money grubbers will simply fall aside in a ditch, clinging desperately to their wads of money.
And to the conservative Christian collaborators who hold the coats as the asphalt monkeys and all the Earth-Destroyers do their dirty deeds, YOU WILL FACE JUDGEMENT. You shall, my friends.

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