I'm back...
So much has taken place in the last two weeks. I'm glad things are slower now.
Me little racing mind has many thoughts:
• Making Changes. How can I expect the World to make the big changes needed for a sustainable future, when it's so hard for me to even make the little changes? Starting an organic garden and riding public transportation one day a week would be a big step toward my goal, but these things require time, and my life is full and crazy. On those rare times when I do have a free moment, I just want to go, "Ahhhh" and chill.
• The Middle East. President Bush is evolving "his story" about Iraq. Now it's a noble cause to promote democracy in the Middle East. But, you know what, I can't help but agree with him. I really do believe that democracy is a beautiful thing, but war is not the way to achieve it. However, while I disagree with 99% of the President's policies, I did like his speech today — about no longer being afraid and about the great struggle against authoritarian rule. And I am happy for the students of Lebanon who are standing up against the Syrian occupation. Maybe we should applaud those Iraqis who are standing up against the American occupation? Whoops, I know that is a bad thing to say, but doesn't the double standard just kill ya?
• Infinite Growth. So, the cover story of Georgia Trend magazine says that metro Atlanta will be up to 6 million people by 2030. Wow, that's a lot of people! The north Georgia plateau is badly overdeveloped, yet humans are going to keep multiplying and spreading their sprawl until the whole of north Georgia is gone!!!! All the country people will finally get to sell their land and make big bucks, and the developers will get new luxury cars, and the illegal immigrants will get work, but as for the residents and the environment — we are screwed. We will drown in our own excrement — our millions of septic tanks will foul the groundwater, our millions of cars and our power plants will continue fouling the air, and we will spend half our day in gridlocked traffic. Yet, couples will still continue to have three and four kids, and still won't have a clue that their family size ultimately has an impact on their quality of life. People just can't make that connection between the number of children and traffic congestion. And then there's the drunken county commissioners who take a swig from the bottle and scream, "Growth," and when their county is built out they start screaming "Quality Growth," and then in their sleep they scream, "We need more JOBS!" See, politicians just can't let go of the "GROWTH" thing. It seems to be ingrained in these leaders that growth is ALWAYS good and that it should be infinite. But look around you, damnit. You've scalped the Earth, the trees are gone, your streams are yellow and your sky is purple. That is your legacy.
• Human Existence. Hmmm, they are doing a fund-raiser this weekend to help prevent underweight births, which is the leading cause of infant death. Now, the loss a child is a horrible thing and this is a worthy cause. However, why aren't there fund-raisers for family planning? Why aren't there education programs linking family size to environmental impact? Why aren't people with seven children publicly shamed? After all, their selfishness and ignorance is, in effect, stealing "life quality" from future generations. Do you REALLY think we can all keep having millions of babies indefinitely? Do we REALLY think that resources on the Earth are infinite? Come on, wake up! And as for all these people who have "accidents," my God, it's not like you hit somebody's bumper. Accident? More accurately, I think it's a DISASTER. Yes, I love children dearly, but aren't two enough? Do you need a little brochure to read? Or don't you have the courage to get a VASECTOMY?
• Human Export. I am generally opposed to immigration reform, but I do see one reason for it. I won't name names, but there are SOME countries who have the technology and finances to provide family planning to all citizens. Yet, it's not "in the culture" so what happens is that these nations become net exporters of humans. In effect, they are the world's incubators. The United States is a recipient of several nations' excess population. When the U.S. is filled up, they will just move somewhere else — maybe Antarctica? Yes, children are cute, a joy, and help to feed the ego, but again, why can't we just stop at two???
Well, I'm just sour grapes because I came back from my trip on Sunday and found a bunch of new developments going up. For the record, those who engage in this greedy, ravenous development are murderers and rapists. They are selling out our environment and future so that they can have a second home and a boat in Florida.
"Are you feeling angry tonight, Canary?"
"Yeah, I guess I am."
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