Let's settle this right
here and now, oh ye
First, an Aside
The Canary would like to interrupt his usual programming for a short rant:
I've heard a lot of discussion this past week about the two recent spats of violence: the shootings at the Federal courthouse in Atlanta and the mass murder at the school in northern Minnesota. Most of the talk has been about how we can better detect and prepare for humans who suddenly snap and turn violent. At the Easter Service I attended at church, the pastor even used these acts of violence as examples of how humans are flawed (I disagree this). So, anyway, the point being, no one happened to mention the OBVIOUS: That it was easy access to GUNS that lead to these deaths. GUNS, GUNS, GUNS! Now, out of the billions of humans on this Earth, I believe that there will always be a few rabid people that become violent. Certainly, we should address the risk factors and the root causes that leads to violence, but more importantly, we should GET RID OF THE GUNS! Now, in both of these recent cases, the mad humans would have done far less damage without a hand gun. Maybe they could have slashed one or two people with a knife, but that would have been it.
Last week there was also a lot of discussion about rising fuel prices. A few days ago, gas surpassed the $2 mark and the talking heads in the media were blaming it on investors and rapidly growing economies. Amazingly, no one mentioned the REAL reason gas prices are going up — our exploding national and global population. There are more people competing for limited resources. If everyone showed responsibility and held their family size to two or less children, the energy problem could be solved.
When talking about rising gases prices and other world ills,
the media always fails to mention this little problem.
Now Let's Talk About China ...
Well, the People's Republic of China is controlled by an authoritarian regime that operates under the guise of communism. The United States of America is run by a corporate-controlled regime operating under the guise of democracy.
Remember this: The sole purpose of power is to preserve comfort.
The elite, privileged, and wealthy of both nations — China and America — have entered into a mutually beneficial relationship that preserves the "comfort" for both ruling parties. China gets money and trade from the United States. They put their endless masses of people into workshops to make cheap products for the Americans. The U.S. corporate warlords now have cheap products to sell, and they enjoy greater profits.
Even though China is a repressionist society that deprives their citizens of basic human rights, well, we occasionally slap their wrist, but in the meantime we give them billions of dollars to buy their cheap goods. Maybe our American leaders figured that an intensive trade relationship would help avoid a war.
But we can NEVER forget Tibet, Falun Gong, and Tiananmen Square!
The power structure of China is bent on preserving their COMFORT, and for the most part the United States coalesces with the Chinese rulers for mutual economic benefit. This isn't about the people — this is about the rich getting richer and the powerful becoming MORE powerful.
Unquestionably, this is the most classic photo ever taken of
the People standing up to THE MACHINE. The peaceful
demonstrators of Tiananmen Square are among the world's
greatest heros and should never be forgotten.
A Canary brother is martyred
on June 4, 1989.
Lesson Learned ...
We think that a Tiananmen Square could never happen in the U.S., but don't be surprised. But then again, would the populace even BOTHER to hold a mass, peaceful demonstration? Well, not as long as THE MACHINE keeps them content, or screws with their minds enough.
I don't blame the Chinese government for their brutal suppression of the student demonstrators. After all, THE MACHINE was only trying to protect its POWER. What I do blame is the mass Chinese citizenry who did not come to the aid of the peaceful protesters. I'm sure THE MACHINE used all its favorite tactics to keep the rest of the population passive. They probably tried to brand the student democracy activists as criminals, traitors, etc... See, THE MACHINE is an expert at playing with people's heads.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
— Edmund Burke, Irish philosopher (1729-1797)