Boy, those lobbyists sure treat us good. Yes,
Mr. Congressman, they sure do. This therapeutic
horseback riding sure is fun.
Pork, Pork, Pork
With the federal deficit soaring and most Americans just struggling to get by, the infallible, perfect, God-like Republicans recently rushed through another sloppy spending bill that is LOADED with pork. Now, I'm usually opposing the Heritage Foundation on about everything, but now I'm agreeing with them on this:
As runaway spending pushes the cost of government over $20,000 per household and the federal budget deficit past $400 billion, Congress continues to pile an endless supply of special interest projects onto the backs of weary taxpayers. With the recently-passed fiscal 2005 omnibus spending bill (H.R. 4818), Congress is expected the break its own record — set in last year’s budget — for pork projects, with new grants for such items as therapeutic horseback riding and a school mariachi music curriculum. This performance is simply embarrassing and highlights the need for reform of Congress’s obviously broken budget process.
— The Heritage Foundation
Now, the thing that freaks me out about myself is that while I am a social liberal, I am strong conservative when it comes to fiscal policy. Since two of my heros are Teddy Roosevelt and Barry Goldwater, I MUST be a Republican. However, the GOP of today is so infested with religious zealots and so sold out to special interests, that I want no part of this beguiled and corrupted excuse of a Party.
Yeah, this is a REPUBLICAN budget. You know, the people you voted for because they hold the high moral ground. Yes, it's really moral to take your hard earned tax dollars and use it for special interest frill projects. Or better yet, it's even more MORAL to fund a project and make your KIDS PAY FOR IT, which is EXACTLY what Congress does every time they pass a deficit budget.
While you are struggling to make ends meet, your government is going into debt to finance a variety of pork projects around the country. Now, some of these projects seem worthy while others are off-the-wall, but the fact is our Government should NOT SPEND more than it makes — never.
"But the Republicans are against abortion and my preacher told me to vote for them."
But look, you can hardly afford to buy groceries and you aren't going to get much help from the Salvation Army because Target kicked them off their property this holiday season. But don't worry, that great Party you voted for is spending your money wisely.
A sampling:
$450,000 Baseball Hall of Fame
$25,000 Develop curriculum to study mariachi music, Clark County School District, Nevada
$350,000 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Cleveland, Ohio
$150,000 Therapeutic Horseback Riding Program, Lady B Ranch, California
$950,000 Please Touch Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
These projects are just a few at the top of the Heritage Foundation list, and if I list any more I will probably hurl. The point is, again, I'm really questioning all this talk about the Republicans being the protector of morals and family values. If they really cared about the "family" like they say, they would do things to benefit the FAMILY and not slick lobbyists wearing Gucci shoes.
Anyway, the point is that I remain disgusted at all the people who voted straight-ticket Republican just because the GOP is supposedly "pro-life" or "Christian." What you've done is simply strengthened the power of a vile and corrupt political party that does not give a damn about you unless you are a big corporate lobbyist, rich, or own a company. Believe me, you were deceived by this pack of the most immoral politicians we have seen in decades. The hypocrisy of this all makes me sick, sick, sick! But, right, you voted for a "culture of life." Right!
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