We are blessed with many gifts in life, but the most wonderful gift of all is our freedom. Imagine living a life where you are a slave or you are controlled by a government. Your life would hardly be worth living.
Right now citizens in a half dozen countries are demonstrating for their freedom. They are fighting against autocratic governments. It is shameful that the U.S. supported many of these governments when we ourselves are a democracy. Shouldn't we want others to enjoy that which we cherish most? Or is it more expedient to support regimes that help keep the oil flowing? Small wonder that so many Arabs hate us.
With freedom comes self-respect, dignity, and a voice. That is what my fellow humans in the Mideast are wanting. I greatly admire and respect them for standing up to oppressive dictators.
With freedom comes responsibility. Those who are free must show maturity, and critical thinking skills, and they must respect order. While I find the Westboro Church beyond disgusting, I am proud of the Supreme Court for protecting their right to demonstrate at the funerals of fallen soldiers. I'm far more proud of the motorcycle riders who surround the Westboro folks and exercise their freedom as well.
Everyday I am thankful that I am free from religion. I was told that God gives us a "free will." Ha! The fact is that many religious people indoctrinate their children at a young age. If you really wanted to give your child "free will" you would educate them on the various religions and let them make their choice.
Most religious people are darn sure that their religion is the "right" one. Oh, it also happens to be the one they were born into. Coincidence? Nope. The point being, true freedom means escape from the rigid dogmas that attempt to enslave us. True freedom is being able to think freely, rather than having some preacher think for you.
We are all slaves to our jobs. Many of us don't want to work -- we'd rather be at the beach. True freedom is when you are not enslaved to a corporate master. You can escape the yoke of an employer in many ways, such as becoming self-sufficient financially, entrepreneurship, or living on an island.
The freer you are, the happier you will likely be. Many people are slaves and don't even realize it. They go to church three times a week because they've always done it, and secretly they may prefer to just stay home and chill out. They go to work each day to pay for all the crap they've purchased -- you know, the stuff all those commercials told you to buy. Or maybe you are trying to get out of debt from those seductive credit cards. Yeah, debt makes you a slave as well.
True freedom is when ... well ... you are truly free. When you can run wildly through a green meadow, without worrying about anything. Freedom is when you can choose your own political leaders. Freedom is when you can choose your own religion without your family disowning you or some cleric ordering your death. Freedom is skipping a night flossing without feeling guilty. Freedom is freedom.