I wish for a happy ending to our recession, but it's not looking good. See, the United States has lost most of its manufacturing base. Why? Because, thanks to overpopulation, there is an infinite supply of cheap labor in other countries. Because the supply of labor is so plentiful, the VALUE of labor declines. In the U.S. you have a worker who wants health care, a pension, and a bass boat, and this guy is competing against some Malaysian guy who works for a bowl of rice and a fish, and, well, guess where the jobs go.
So, without manufacturing, Mother America turns to her second way of making big money, which is new construction. Mother America whores away her greenspace, encourages mass immigration to grow the population, and BUILDS! The immigrants provide both the cheap labor as well as more consumers. Thus, we have the Housing Bubble. The criminal organization known as the Federal Reserve keeps the Housing Bubble going as long as they can. The financial industry is making the most money off the scam, not the poor Mexican laborers. The financial industry is the number one contributor of campaign contributions to Washington. Thus, Washington is paid well to look the other way as the Housing Bubble expands. The Left screams, "Affordable housing for the poor," and the Right scream, "Less regulation so that business can prosper."
And even when the Housing Bubble should have died, the scammers keep it going by offering sub-prime loans and giving houses to people who shouldn't own houses. Sure, there's a risk, so the big banks bundle hundreds of loans into packages, knowing that if a few mortgages are foreclosed, it won't hurt the overall bundle. And then that bundle of mortgages is sold to big investors like China.
But it's a Ponzi Scheme and soon the entire thing starts to collapse. But no worries, because the financial industry has spent $3.8 billion to buy the federal government, who promptly bails out the big financial institutions, and some executives even GET REWARDED! And then our government feeds us this big lie called "TOO BIG TO FAIL."
And due to this recession, I have neighbors and friends who are out of work, but for some strange reason they don't feel the rage that I don't do. They don't understand how the system has completely screwed them. And at my job I work with many small businesses that are suffering greatly due to this recession. Where is the rage, and the demand that we do a major reform of our government and economy?
So, I'm not sure how the story will end because I have a lot of faith in Americans. We are a smart and savvy people and can likely find a way to reinvent our economy. However, things will probably never be like they were before.
The bottom line is that our world and resources are not infinite. You can't keep building, throwing McNasty wrappers in the trash, and burning coal indefinitely without some kind of consequence. Our comfortable dream life, you know, the one we destroyed the environment for, is an illusion. And the millions who pursue it are full of DElusion.
— Todd