After reading Richard Dawkin's The God Delusion I became much more aware of the fact how pervasive evolutionary drives impact human behavior (Dawkin is a renowned biologist). The rule is simple: What helps survival will be retained, what hurts survival will be eliminated. Obviously high birth rate/sex helps survival, so does violence. Sex is pure pleasure, therefore sex is practiced frequently. Without pleasure in sex we would not practice sex so frequently. Violence must have an evolutionary function (no matter whether it gets stymied, sometimes, by moral considerations. Morals are way less genetically preserved than violence.). Otherwise we would have eliminated it. That some species are amazingly peaceful ALSO follows the evolutionary dogma. Only the specific conditions in THEIR environment nurtures peacefulness. Exceptions confirm the rule. Environmentally noxious behavior will not be eliminated until the consequences are clearly noticeable; but at that time it may be too late. Bad luck, humanity.The point is that we are chained to our evolutionary baggage, whether we like it or not, and this may very well lead to our evolutionary fate.
And to add to Bro. G's statement, religion must have served an evolutionary purpose somewhere in our development. Maybe basic beliefs helped to unify our clans better, so that we could defeat those damn atheist Neanderthals in battle. Things have not changed at all.
SO, TODAY ....

I was working on my weed eater, and two young guys walked up the driveway carrying Bibles. I really didn't want to get into a debate with them, but one guy started grilling me, and when asked a question, I always like to give a straight answer. I have nothing to hide. And I think that the religiously programmed folks need to know that not everyone tows their dogma, even if that freaks them out a little bit.
So, basically, when the guy asked if I was a Christian, I told him I was agnostic, and he said I was going to hell. Both guys said it was sad to hear that I wasn't a Christian, and said that once in hell I wouldn't have a chance to change my mind.
The point is that Christianity uses the same basic control tactics as Nazism and Scientology. The only difference is that Christianity is OLD, and we are USED to it, so it must be okay. Most people in my area believe they are Christians because they want to go to heaven, even if they are total shits and don't even attend church. So, the idea is to say "YES, I'M A CHRISTIAN" so the guys in the driveway will leave you alone, and so that you won't feel like TOTAL CRAP for the rest of the day because you've just been condemned to hell.
Anyway, the two chaps asked for my name and said they would "pray for me." I imagine their prayer will go like this: "Dear God, please open the Goose's eyes so that he can see our dogma, our one-right-way, and so he'll say the three-sentence prayer that gets him going to heaven, just like us. Amen."
Gimmie a break.