After reading the book "Blessed Unrest" for a while I thought I would try to address all social causes. But the euphoria of the book has wore off and I've decided to return to my two life callings: peace and the environment.
In regards to peace, it is an irony that my daughter has announced plans to join the Marines. As a citizen it is my duty to ensure that U.S. political leaders only use the military for defense, and that the current global adventurism won't be continued.
How Big Can You Get?
Yesterday I attended a family reunion at my cousin's house. He and his wife have just purchased a 6,500-square-foot home deep in the countryside. Outside their trophy house was a Ford Expedition. As I left the reunion, I turned back to the massive house and gas-guzzling vehicle, and I said, "The end is near."
Of interest is that my cousin is very religious. It totally amazes me how people can reconcile their worship of Christianity with their worship of Consumerism. To me, the two religions are in vast conflict, but I have found that people simply modify their beliefs to make them fit and feel themselves comfortable. Churches need to come down hard on America's addiction to materialism, yet they don't. Instead, the preachers rant and rave about the cozy "push button" issues like abortion and gay marriage.
So, what's wrong with having a big house and big car? Well, for one it's being wasteful of the Earth's limited energy supplies. Before long, Uncle Sam will be sending my daughter to fight in some oil war. Yes, I know, women don't go into combat, at least not yet.
Okay, my cousin has two children (I applaud him for having a small family). But, really, do four people need an eight bedroom house?
And it is a sprawl house -- building it tore up beautiful countryside to look at and enjoy. And it is a trophy house -- all about power and narcissism. So, where does the Christianity part come in? I mean, doesn't everyone get a mansion in heaven anyway for trillions of years? Can't folks just wait 30-40 years for their mansion, and in the meantime, give their excess money to the poor?
So, I know you will say that I live in a development too. My response to that is:
- I believe there should be People areas and Nature areas. I have no problem with development and construction in settled, urban areas.
- There must be a balance between humans and nature. Why is it necessary to dot the entire countryside with trophy houses?
- Yes, I live in a development too, but it's not in the boonies where I have to drive miles and miles to get anywhere.
Okay, that is my rant for tonight. The humble, lowly, Goose has spoken.