I, the Yellow Canary, have officially become The Goose. My blog has been moved to:
You are welcome to read through my nearly 150 old entries in the Yellow Canary Blog, which range from May 2004 to April 2006.
Why the transformation? The Yellow Canary is all about warning people — just like the birds that miners would take down into a mine shaft. When the bird died, the miners knew the air was bad and that it was time to get out of there. I've given up trying to warn people because no one is listening and few people care. The Goose is a better reflection of what I really am — cynical, disillusioned, and disgusted. But, the Goose still has hope and is determined to carry on. Why the name "Goosed?" Because I feel like I've been goosed, and that the whole world has been goosed. Everything is goosed, yet it is still our responsibility for each one of us to try and make things better. The Goose keeps flying despite the storm. Yep, he sure does.