They is public high rises. Well, we gotta put everyone somewhere.
Yankee Ingenuity? My foot
All my life I've heard all this talk about America being successful because of our talent, our brainpower, and our hard work. Maybe that was once true, but in the last few decades, there's only been one way that we mainly create wealth — we feed our open land to the developer mongrels. We convert land into houses, stores, warehouse, and industrial complexes. Lots of people get rich, and these are the people who influence the government, so everything is cool.
And America grows, like a big bloating monster. Our liberal immigration policy, our denial of the need for sex education in schools, and our downright greed keeps our favorite industry exploding in growth — construction. As the construction sector thrives, it trickles money into every other economic sector. See, we cannibalize our own land, and everyone makes money. Farmer John sells his farm to some developer with alligator skin shoes, and then Farmer John buys a Lincoln and visits Hawaii. Hell, everyone's happy.
Like a big Hoover vacuum, that wonderful construction industry sucks in mass legions of foreign labor to lay the sod, lay the bricks, and dig the ditches. White America loves this, but then they don't. White America doesn't like all the "different" people moving into their neighborhoods, so they flee to the outer suburbs, and the foreign labor is needed to build their yuppie getaway communities.
Our great gift and asset in this country is our beautiful countryside, yet we are whoring our land away and not giving it a second thought. This is land that once provided the world's breadbasket, and land that provided habitat for a vast array of wildlife. But who cares, because this whoring business is making us MONEY!
We ARE genius because we know how to tear apart our own country.
Let's pack America with people
Three states — Florida, California and Texas — would account for nearly one-half (46 percent) of total U.S. population growth between 2000 and 2030, according to Census Bureau state population projections released today. Consequently, Florida, now the fourth most populous state, would edge past New York into third place in total population by 2011; California and Texas would continue to rank first and second, respectively, in 2030. These three states would each gain more than 12 million people between 2000 and 2030. Arizona, projected to add 5.6 million people, and North Carolina, with 4.2 million, would round out the top five numerical gainers. As a result, Arizona and North Carolina would move into the top 10 in total population by 2030 — Arizona rising from 20th place in 2000 to 10th place in 2030 and North Carolina from 11th place to seventh place. Michigan and New Jersey are projected to drop out of the top 10. The projections indicate that the top five fastest-growing states between 2000 and 2030 would be Nevada (114 percent), Arizona (109 percent), Florida (80 percent), Texas (60 percent) and Utah (56 percent).
— Press Release, Spatial News.com, April 22
Now, I'm not opposed to immigration. It's just that if there was more equity in the world, the migration flows wouldn't be a problem. But right now, millions are pouring into the United States to help fuel the construction industry. They are doing the hard and dirty work of building White America — building the new shopping malls for the whoremongers.
Then there's the cute babies
Of course, there's no sense in building a bunch of golf communities and McNasty restaurants if you don't have lots of people. Thus, our government and its religious and corporate masters, continue to push pro-fertility policies. Millions of babies are needed for the economic war machine. No wonder our Republican-controlled government opposes abortion — those little babies are needed.
Then, to really stoke the flames of the conservative masses, the GOP turns abortion into a moral issue, while at the same time they cut Title X (reproductive benefits for low-income women) and they push the unproven Abstinence Only programs (probably knowing full well that at-risk teens are still going to have sex whether or not they get a wait-till-marriage lecture at school).
See, this whole thing is cleverly engineered. The Karl Roves and other behind-the-scenes manipulators know how to work their voter base. They know that promoting family planning services would REDUCE abortions. But abortion is a nice hot button for single-issue voters that has continually played well for the GOP.
What are you trying to say, Canary?
I'm saying that growing population, and converting forests, pastures, and farmland into brick and asphalt is BIG BUSINESS. I'm saying that it's no coincidence that we have the highest fertility rate among Western nations. For the government, babies mean tax base, for corporations, it means profit, and for organized religion, well, it's an opportunity to energize congregations with saliva-throwing lectures about "values."
The Whore of Babylon...
"For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries."
— Revelations 18:3, Holy Bible
Canary sezs: At them big fancy churches, no one wants to admit who the Whore of Babylon really is.